30 September 2011

Breastfeeding: it’s what your tits are for #nlpoli

The first week of October is World Breastfeeding Week.

Check out babyfriendlynl.ca and you can find information on some of the activities going on across the province.

Regular readers of these e-scribbles will know that breastfeeding is the local cause of choice.  Some people questioned a sub-head on the blog that lasted for a long while last winter:  Breastfeeding: it’s what your bazongas are for.  Initially, they took offence or thought it might be offensive. 

But after your humble e-scribbler explained where the slogan came from and that breastfeeding is the SRBP cause, they called off the lynching.

You can find a post from 2009 that sets what should be the provincial goal:  66 at 6 in 2. 

Let’s to the point where 66% percent of new moms are breastfeeding six months after they’ve given birth.

And we set a goal of two years to hit that target.

66 at 6 in 2.

Make it an election issue. 

And in the meantime, be inspired by this promotional video:

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