For those who don’t know, the federal government has been working since about 2004 to extend Canada’s jurisdiction to cover the entire continental shelf, including the bits beyond the 200 mile exclusive economic zone.
News that France is trying to lay claim to bits of the shelf outside the Canadian 200 mile exclusive economic zone will come as no surprise.
The seabed involved is a potentially lucrative bit of real estate. The French will try to press a claim based on St. Pierre but it will be tough to see how they could possibly make it fly, at least if you take a look at the current state of international law.
Now none of that will stop some locals who have an interest in fomenting unrest and fostering ignorance from claiming all sorts of vile things. That’s what they do and then claim that their inventions are “truth”.
In any event, those links will take you to some facts that – as always – tell a completely different story than the one you’ll hear pumped out of a certain small but vocal minority.