Justin Simms makes films.
His latest project is a documentary about Danny Williams. Funded by the National Film Board, the movie, imaginatively titled “Danny”, will premiere in Halifax next month at the Atlantic Film Festival.
“We had a window of time,” Simms told The Overcast recently, “where we kind of fought back and stood up to Canada in a way that we never have and possibly never will again.” Simms was talking about the racket a decade ago over federal transfer payments, including Equalization.
Simms said that it was very interesting for the team that made the documentary “to see us, the further we get away from that, reassessing it.”
Williams may be gone from the political scene, but as The Overcast put it, “the rapid pace of change in the province continues. ‘That might make the films and the art we make about the place,’ Simms said, 'all the more important.’”