The provincial cabinet has known since January - at least - that the powerhouse at Muskrat Falls is only 15% completed despite a huge payout to the contractor.
That's what Nalcor reported to the committee of provincial bureaucrats named by the Conservatives to get a report from Nalcor every now and again. They can't do anything else except receive the reports and pass them on to cabinet. They still do it under the Liberals.
The company hired by cabinet to conduct yet another review of information supplied by Nalcor that government already had included a little table of progress on major components at Muskrat Falls. The powerhouse is a major component.
But it isn't on EY's table, shown at right and released earlier this month. It's lumped in with "spillway" and shows it is supposedly almost 40% complete.
There's a lot of difference between 15 and 40.