07 August 2011

And the drug store owners’ situation gets worse…

They are already in an untenable political situation.

And now the drug store owners are in an even worse situation as they fall to fighting with pharmacists.

Here’s the way VOCM put it:

They say that independent pharmacies are well represented in their organization with majority control of their working group on government relations. However, the independents say that the Pharmacists' Association represents pharmacists, not businesses or drug stores.

Not all drug store owners are pharmacists, but they certainly need pharmacists to run the drug stores.

Whoever among the drug store owners started this racket with the provincial government out in the open is clearly an idiot.

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06 August 2011

Memorial University announces new members of board of regents

From Luminus Express:

The election of alumni representatives to Memorial’s Board of Regents was finalized on Aug. 4, with five new representatives and one incumbent taking the six available positions.

Rex Gibbons returns for another term on the board, while James Hickey, Pegi Earle, Luke Pike, Kimberly Keating and George Tucker will begin their first term. The six successful representatives received the most votes of the 34 candidates on the ballot in an election that saw the highest voter response to date with 8622 votes cast.

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The 2011 Regatta Week Top 10

  1. The continued taberization of political reporting in Canada
  2. When bullshit fails…
  3. No thought, please.  We’re Danny.
  4. Debt, electricity rates and Muskrat Falls
  5. Jane Taber – Twit
  6. Blochead-Dipper Watch
  7. The medium of the bread and circuses message
  8. Dunderdale tops in senior management churn
  9. Opening the doors on government information
  10. Resource give-away

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05 August 2011

Bloc Quebecois not separatist party: NL NDP leader

You read that correctly.

Newfoundland and Labrador NDP leader Lorraine Michael is quoted by VOCM making the argument that the Bloc Quebecois is not a separatist party:

On VOCM's Backtalk with Paddy Daly Thursday, Michael also said that, according to former Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe, the Bloc has been about securing a better deal for Québec from the federal government, not about separatism. Michael compared Turmel's past actions to people who have fought politically for this province: it's like saying someone who goes to Ottawa to fight for Newfoundland is a separatist.

Lorraine is out of touch with reality.

Either that or she is so desperate for any political success in her last election as NDP leader in Newfoundland and Labrador that she will say anything, no matter how preposterous it might be.

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Bond rater drops American credit rating

From the Globe, in a story that Standard and Poor’s had lowered the United States government’s rating from AAA to AA Plus:

“The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government’s medium-term debt dynamics,” S&P said in a statement.

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The medium of the bread and circuses message

How short is a news cycle?

How long is a piece of string?

Give any story a couple of days and odds are you won’t be reading or watching on Day Three what you were reading about and watching on Day One.

Like Bloc NDP leader Nycole Turmel who – spoiler alert -  was a card-carrying member of the Bloc Quebecois until she decided she wanted to run for what became the Bloc NDP.

Tons of commentary from the scritti politti across Canada. 

Front page of the Globe.

And then nada.

It’s not that the story morphed in those three days.

It’s that the story disappeared.

Wednesday’s front page of the Globe: Turmel.

Thursday’s front page: Hosni Mubarak in a cage and falling house prices. 

First mention of Turmel in the print edition on Thursday? a letter to the editor.

And who the frack reads them anyway? 

The same people who read comments on online stories and that – as it turns out – are the same five political activists writing under one of their dozens of fake identities.

All Turmel and her handlers had to do was come up with a line they could repeat and run with until reporters got tired. 

And so beyond saying she was a federalist and segueing quickly to other similarly bland comments, the Bloc NDP leader didn’t have much of a problem.

Media handlers don’t have to change the channel anymore.

The dog’s tail will wag itself.

Such is the state of politics in the country.

No one gives a frack any more.

Politics has basically been reduced to yet another fragment of the media universe. 

Think of a low rent version of Canadian Idol or Wipeout  - both low rent versions of The Gong Show  - and you are getting close to the impact politics has on the average Canadian.

And while there might have been some difference between federal and provincial politics a couple of years, the disease is everywhere in Canada. 

The local of the Bloc NDP in Newfoundland and Labrador pushes a story that says, basically:  “We have candidates.” 

News media run the story not just as if it was news but with an implicit twist that it was truly Earth-shattering, life-altering news -  Dippers have candidates:  huge changes ahead.

But political parties are supposed to have candidates.

This was not news.

Did anyone look at who the candidates were?

Not a chance, just like no one noticed the candidate list in Quebec in the last federal election. 

The Dippers may be onto something.

In the long run, Danny Williams will be remembered for his guest shots on 22 minutes not for doubling the public debt in Newfoundland and Labrador. 

Kathy Dunderdale – first premier to run the Telly 10.

Not as the woman who carried on Danny’s scheme to sell cheap power to Nova Scotians.

This is the 100th anniversary of Marshall McLuhan’s birth.

Some people are celebrating with a renewed interest in his writings.

His best known phrase is probably ‘the medium is the message”.

Think of it as a kind of Pavlovian conditioning and you will get the meaning:  people learn to take information in a certain way based on the medium itself.

Television  - visual. Short, individual clips. No trail.

Twitter  - No visuals but like TV, short individual clips with no trail.

Get it?

Of course you do.

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04 August 2011

Opening the doors on government information

There are lots of good ideas floating around that could make Newfoundland and Labrador a stronger and better place to live.

One simple one would be to emulate British Columbia:  throw open piles of government information so that people can use it.  The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is one of the most secretive, backwards administrations in Canada.

Open the vaults on data that no one – even the government officials themselves – is using.  It’s not that people wouldn't;t use the information or that they shouldn’t have access to it.

The problem is they just can’t get access to it, at all. As the Globe put it:

The idea is a simple one. In the past, governments collected tax dollars from citizens. Government employees inside the boundaries of government created services that were delivered back to the citizens. This exchange of tax dollars for services will continue, but, courtesy of the Internet, there’s an expanded model of government whereby government acts as a platform.

There’s an enormous amount of data inside government, such as data about climate change, the success of entrepreneurs, radon gas, bicycle accidents and so on. With governments starting to make this raw data available to citizens, people will self-organize to use the data to create value. This is not about outsourcing or privatization. This is about a new division of labour in society about how we create public value. The result is better government services and a government that costs less.

Political parties in Newfoundland and Labrador won;t adopt such a policy in the current election platform.  At least two of the parties have vested interests in keeping control of information. The other might just not give a toss.

Here’s another area where it would be nice to be proven wrong but your humble e-scribbler is not holding his breath waiting. Experience is a cruel teacher.

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Resource give-away

The provincial government’s energy company controls billions of dollars worth of hydro-electric and oil resources  - much of it handed over as free gifts from taxpayers - but the company pays very little to the provincial treasury in return.

Nalcor hasn’t paid any dividends to its sole shareholder – the provincial government – since 2006. That’s something the current provincial government is proud of.

In 2008, some valued Nalcor’s 4.9% Hebron shares at $1.5 billion based on prices around US$80 a barrel.  Nalcor has control of those shares along with a 5% stake in White Rose and 10% in the Hibernia South extension. The provincial government paid cash for the equity stakes and handed them to Nalcor.

But when it comes to royalties, though, Nalcor won’t pay a penny for its stake in Hebron under the project financial agreements.*  According to Nalcor, the company is liable for royalties on its interest in Hibernia South and White Rose proportionate to its stakes. Those amounts don’t turn up in the company’s annual report.

Nalcor also controls the provincial stake in Churchill Falls and any Lower Churchill project.  The latter will cost at least $6.0 billion to build with considerable cash and loan guarantee backing from the provincial government.

And in return?

According to Nalcor, the company and its subsidiaries don’t pay  corporate income taxes. Twin Falls Power Corporation does pay corporate income tax, but Nalcor holds a one third stake in that small venture. The total value of Twin Falls electricity sales in 2010 was a mere $5.5 million with net earnings of $3.0 million.

Nalcor and its subsidiaries are liable for the provincial payroll tax and Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation does pay a small amount of gas tax.

The company has loan guarantees from the provincial government and is looking for more. But the current provincial government has been waiving any fees for those loan guarantees since 2008.  In 2010, that amounted to $9.1 million Nalcor didn’t have to pay taxpayers. In 2007 – the last year it paid a loan guarantee charge – the company paid taxpayers $13 million.

And that beats the only royalty any part of Nalcor pays for hydro-electricity.  Under the 1961 lease act,  Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation pays royalties and rentals.  That amounted to $5.0 million in 2008, $3.7 million in 2009 and $5.6 million in 2010, according to Nalcor’s annual reports.

The total Nalcor paid to the provincial government in 2010 for “accounts payable and accrued liabilities” – the accounting term for these payments – was $10.6 million.

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*Correction - 05 August:  Under the Hebron fiscal agreement, the provincial government may exemption Nalcor from royalties but to date it has not done so.

Here’s the full text of relevant part of section 8:

8.4 OilCo. 

(A) Sections 8.2 and 8.3 [guaranteeing no preferential treatment of parties] shall not apply to OilCo as long as OilCo is a Crown corporation of the Province.

(B) The Parties acknowledge that the Province may:

(1) make amendments to the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act;

(2) make amendments to the Royalty Regulations; or

(3) make an agreement pursuant to section 33 of Petroleum and Natural Gas  Act;

to adjust, vary or suspend OilCo’s liability for the payment of royalties on oil produced from the Lands. 

(C) The amendments or agreement in subparagraph B above shall apply to the royalties payable by OilCo on oil produced from the Lands, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to the extent such amendments or agreement does not affect the royalties payable  by any of the other Proponents on oil produced from the Lands. 

03 August 2011

The continued taberization of political reporting in Canada

sadteeOnly Jane Taber – a well-known twit – could compare Nycole Turmel to Winston Churchill and, at the same time, try and float the ridiculous premise that a handful of people changing political parties in the past couple of decades federally counts as some sort of massive re-alignment of the political universe in Canada.

How friggin’ fatuous can one person be?

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By the numbers – infectious syphilis rates

Inspired by a comparison of rates for infectious syphilis for Canada and for Alberta, your humble e-scribbler took a gawk at the tables from the Public Health Agency of Canada that the Globe staff used to make their tables.

Alberta’s rate per 100,000 of population in 2009 was 7.3 compared to 5.0 for Canada.

The Newfoundland and Labrador rate was 0.6 per 100,000 and that hardly looks like anything at all.

But take a look at the rates for males and you see something dramatically different.

From 1999 to 2007, the male rate was typically 0.0, as in nil, nada and zippo.  In 2003, it hit zero point three, in 2005 it was zero point eight and in 2007 the rate hit zero point four.


In 2008, the rate for syphilis infection among males in Newfoundland and Labrador hit 2.4 per 100,000.  It was 1.2 per 100K in 2009.

The rates for males in Alberta was 7.8 and 9.8,  up from 8.7 and 9.8 the two preceding years.

That’s one phantasmagorical change – even if the absolute numbers are relatively small.  But if you stop and think about it for a second, you can see what might have been going on.  Alberta’s big jump was in 2003 when the rate hit 2.0 up from zero point six.

Migrant labour to and from Alberta likely caused the rate to jump in Newfoundland and Labrador.

And there’s no way of knowing for sure how many of those Alberta syph cases actually belong to people who list their residence for income tax purposes as being in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Syphilis can be a nasty disease.  In the days before penicillin, people died from it, most often because the disease progressed to a deadly stage before people realised what they’d contracted.

Odds are good, though, that people with a sore or two aren’t avoiding their doctors these days.  Syph is readily treatable. If people get it, they need a trip to the doctor and a few pills. Modern medicine coupled with drug insurance plans and Medicare mean that no one has to suffer along in quiet.

And if the doctors get the cases, then they are required by provincial laws to report the diseases to their provincial public health officers.

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When bullshit fails…

try more bullshit.

Well, that’s apparently the latest tactic the Bloc NDP are trying to deploy in an effort to distract attention from the fact that Jack Layton’s handpicked successor was a card-carrying member of the separatist Bloc Quebecois until January when she left the party to run for the NDP.

I didn’t inhale, Turmel says, of separatism, contending she is and always has been a federalist.

No one outside the troubled Bloc NDP bought that line.

So now they tried another one:  Turmel will cut all ties to separatists.  As the Globe quotes:

“I am a federalist,” the rookie MP and Interim Leader of the Official Opposition said in an interview. “I want to reassure people about my allegiance to the NDP, my allegiance to Canadians, and reassure them that we are getting ready for the fall sitting of Parliament to work on their behalf.”

Turmel, who has been an NDP member since 1991; also claims that she joined the Bloc in 2006 because she liked their anti-scab agenda.  She didn’t support separatism, she says.

At this point you can see this story is not going to get any better.

At worst, Turmel is a liar.

But at best, you have to believe that the woman who ran the Public Service Alliance of Canada, has been active politically for more than a couple of decades and who now leads the Bloc NDP was so politically stupid – naive isn’t strong enough a word – that she felt she had to join the Bloc in 2006 because she liked one of their policies.

Beggars the old imagination, doesn’t it?

This is the latest variation in the story of Turmel and her membership in a separatist party. The fact that it is the latest variation in the story should be a clue that what you are getting from the Bloc NDP and its leader is bullshit.

A simple story requires only one variation:  the truth.  When politicians start adding all these sorts of rationalizations or childish claims, they just make their own problem worse.  if nothing else, this sort of stuff smacks of political arrogance:  Turmel and her handlers apparently feel they can bullshit Canadians and that voters will just accept whatever codswallop they spit out.

Time will tell if that’s true.

It hasn’t been a very successful political strategy for others.

And given that the Bloc NDP has more than a few sovereignists in its caucus  - apparently - and an agenda that sovereignists like, odds are it won’t work in this case either.

The fractures are there. 

Once Jack departs the leadership, as it seems he inevitably will, don’t expect the paper Nycole and her supporters have slapped on them to hold for very long.

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Why drug store owners - and some politicians - will lose

Shills might like you to believe that their party is on the side of the angels by backing some drug store owners in the province, but  all they are doing is showing how little they know about the drug store business and consumers in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Drug store owners will lose in the battle over generic drug pricing.

Late last week, the provincial health department issued a news release that gave the simple reason.  Follow the money and you will find the trail leads you to consumers, including the major private sector drug plan providers. As the release put it:

The policy will result in lower priced generic prescription medication for out-of-pocket payers, those receiving private insurance and beneficiaries of the provincial drug programs, creating savings that will be reinvested into the health care system.

The reason is a simple one:  under provincial law, the price for generic drugs in this province is not just the price paid by the provincial government’s drug plan for senior citizens and those on income assistance.

Everyone will pay the cheap rate.

It’s been like that since the provincial government allowed the sale of generic prescription drugs in the province almost 40 years ago.

The government release is long-winded and hard to understand but the point is in there. Here’s a bit of extra backstory

Historically, the Ontario government set the best price simply because its drug program is the largest in the country.  A Quebec policy of accepting only the lowest cost anywhere ensured that every provincial government wound up paying the Ontario rate.

The provincial government release talks about generics costing 75% less than brand name drugs.  In some instances, the cost to consumers has been less than 60% of what the brand name drug costs.  Consider as well that many of the brand name manufacturers sell their original, brand name drug through generic drug companies.  What you are paying for at a discount price is actually the original pill.

But to get back to pricing, remember that what they are talking about, though, is the retail price to consumers, often called the formulary price. 

While that may have been fixed at 75% or 60% of the brand name price, competition in the market allowed drug companies to lower the actual cost to drug stores through a variety of discounts and other payments.  The end result for drug stores was a mark-up on generic drugs that rivals anything they sell in their front store.

Starting in 2010, and faced with skyrocketing health care costs, some provincial governments started eyeing the real wholesale cost drug stores were paying and not the notional prices set under the old policy. The savings for the people paying the bills could reach into the tens of millions annually.

Ontario started the wave.  But backlash there has been muted, largely because the pricing scheme only covered the provincial government’s clients.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, though, a change to formulary pricing will benefit anyone who pays for generic drugs.

And for that reason alone, the provincial government will likely stick to its guns in an election year.

They will win.

You don’t even have to consider that the drug store owners’ argument about lay-offs and loss of rural pharmacies is bullshite. 

And Lorraine and Yvonne and anyone else shilling for them will look like dorks in the process as they wade into the battle and attack the government. 

After all, how can you claim to be standing up for consumers when you are siding with what most people are likely to see as just another aspect of the profit-rich, international pharmaceutical industry?

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02 August 2011

BlocHead - Dipper Watch

Bloc NDP leader Nycole Turmel is supposed to be in St. John’s on Wednesday for the annual regatta.

Local Dippers will be out in force.  As local president Dale Kirby tweeted on Tuesday:

Will be at Royal St. John's Regatta tomorrow with Interim #NDP leader Nycole Turmel, @lorrainemichael, our MPs, & #NLNDPcandidates #nlpoli

Members of parliament will include Ryan Cleary.  Mainland readers of these e-scribbles and those following the Bloc NDP leader will find that an interesting photo op.

Maybe Cleary can offer his new leader some tips on how to answer questions about supporting separatism.

Or maybe the pair have more in common than either of them care to admit.

Anyway, they both have some explaining to do.

And if that doesn’t work, ask Turmel and local party leader Lorraine Michael to discuss the merits of a loan guarantee for Muskrat Falls.

Michael supports the plan to double the public debt and saddle local taxpayers with skyrocketing electricity prices.

Michael just doesn’t seem to want to answer any questions about why she thinks that’s a good idea, though

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No thought, please. We’re Danny.

In the summer doldrums, odd things poke through to grab your attention.

Like this piece in the Calgary Herald about a speech Danny Williams gave back in June.  Williams said the federal government spends "too much (time) worrying about how one thing will affect another, how will Quebec react or how will this impact a certain block of votes.

Take that as a gigantic clue to Williams’ thinking.

Or, more precisely, his lack of thinking.

Danny Williams’ success usually comes from a blitz attack aimed at forcing a decision before his opponents had a chance to think.

Williams’ style fits with the media tendency these days to focus on the superficial, flashy and the trivial.  In the rush to ratings, the flash of a controversy is always much more important than the consequences.

If it bleeds, it leads and when Danny is on the case odds are good he or someone else will be bleeding.

Williams’ low-thought approach also fits with a world in which most people don’t think about politics very much. 

Five minutes?

That’s it.

And within five minutes, Williams could be chasing off after another will o’ the wisp.

But for as many successes as Williams may have produced, he also churned up some rather spectacular failures.

Like Hydro-Quebec.  He spent five years trying desperately, secretly trying to sell a chunk of the Lower Churchill to Hydro-Quebec.  At the same time, he was publicly kicking the crap out of them.  Even as Williams called a rare emergency session of the legislature to try and unshag something he and his legal beagles shagged up during talks on developing the Lower Churchill, he laced into the untrustworthy crowd in Quebec.

Collapse of Hebron talks in 2006?  A sudden outburst on Williams’ part as the provincial government and the companies sat a mere 5% apart.  It wound up costing the public royalties and local benefits to get a deal in the end.

But for all that, his…shall we say… mercurial style sure delivers great copy.

Like this Telly front pager and all the media coverage that has followed it.

Citizen Williams

Compare coverage of his hockey team with any serious political story of the past couple of months.



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Debt, electricity rates and Muskrat Falls #nlvotes

The editorial board at the Telegram understands the point exactly.

It’s a point your humble e-scribbler has been harping on for six years to one extent or another.

And it’s one of many major problems with Muskrat Falls and the plan to double electricity rates in the province:

The implications are hideous. As the editorial asks:

Ask a simpler question: if power rates double or even rise by 50 per cent, would you be able to afford it?

It’s a frightening question.

Public debt is one thing.  The province is in hard shape and it is even harder given that the province’s finance minister likes to talk about the debt load but then plans to double it with the flick of a pen. Your humble e-scribbler started a series of posts in 2008.  You’ll find other references to public spending going back to 2006.

Personal debt is another.  That’s getting worse in the province as well.

And if the province needs power, there are cheaper, greener alternatives that the provincial government is ignoring. Even natural gas would be better than Muskrat.

This could become the most significant issue of the campaign, not because Muskrat is a good issue for the people backing it, but because the parties backing it most strenuously – Conservatives and New Democrats – may find a strong public backlash.

For the Liberals, this should be a warning to Yvonne Jones that Muskrat is the wrong horse to back no matter what some people are whispering in her ear.

For the Tories and New Democrats, this could become a major wedge issue, shattering their existing support and  - for the NDP - making it harder to attract new converts.  For the Tories, the Muskrat mess could make it harder to get their voters out to the polls.

For the Dippers it could be a classic wedge.  How many NDP supporters are adamantly opposed to Muskrat and mistakenly believe that Lorraine Michael and Dale Kirby oppose it, too? 

You can tell the NDP are touchy about the issue because neither the party president nor the party leader is talking openly and proudly about their commitment to bringing about exactly the financial mess the Telegram is warning about.

Well, if Muskrat turns out to be political and economic bad news, it is not like people didn’t warn y’all.

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Dunderdale tops in senior management churn

Kathy Dunderdale has the distinction of making more changes to the public service than any of her predecessors as Premier in the past 15 years.

Since taking office in December, Dunderdale has made 15 announcements of a changes in the senior ranks of the provincial public service.

In 2010, Danny Williams made a total of nine announcements. and from 2003 to the middle of 2009, he made a total of 37.

By comparison, Liberal Premiers made a total of 24 announcements over the course of eight years.

And while most of the appointment announcements since 1996 have involved one or two positions per announcements, since 2009, the provincial Tories have been making more changes at one time and more changes overall.

In 2009, Danny Williams made five announcements of changes to the senior ranks of the public service, but those five announcements involved 28 positions.

In 2010, he made nine announcements affecting 28 positions.

And in the first seven months of 2011, Kathy Dunderdale has made 15 announcements affecting 19 positions.

While there is no definitive link between frequent changes at the deputy minister level and poor organizational performance at the federal level, it is interesting that the two are correlated in the current Conservative administration. In his report on the 2009 fiscal year, the province’s auditor general noted that monthly financial statements of government’s budget performance were no longer widely circulated.

One study by the consulting firm Deloitte, however, noted that with frequent changes at the assistant deputy minister level, follow-up on problems discovered during an audit can simply get pushed aside. That study showed departmental audit committees could help maintain continuity despite high turn-over at the senior management level.

At the federal level the executive group – deputy ministers, assistant deputies, executive directors, etc – has been the group experiencing the highest rate of change.

While senior appointments are made by cabinet, they remain the prerogative of the premier to chose.

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01 August 2011

Compare and contrast: election policy edition

Compare the New Democrat “policy” announcements on the fishery and shipbuilding, slipped out there last week with the Liberal one on health care and seniors, announced on Monday morning at a news conference.

The Liberal one wasn’t available online as of 1330 hours local time on Monday.  That’s not encouraging, given the announcement happened at 1000 hrs.

The Libs will need to sort this out to make sure their information is readily available.  Online media coverage of this announcement sucked.  Most didn’t have a story and the one that did appear covered only a small portion of a much larger announcement.

But this is not just a case of announcing a vague intention.  The Liberals announcement includes:

  • a ministry of aging and seniors,
  • an aging and seniors strategy that will also feature health and wellness promotion, respecting and celebrating seniors, supportive communities,  seniors’ financial security, employment and life transitioning,  secure housing options, and, caregiver assistance and support.
  • a seniors’ advocate, similar to the child and youth advocate,
  • a funding shift to rehab and other support to enable seniors to stay in their own communities longer, and
  • better funding for long-term care and home care.

How this announcement plays with the public remains to be seen.  Just recall that health care is the single biggest issue for voters according to polls.  And don’t forget that seniors and seniors’ care is already a sensitive political issue. it will only get bigger in the years ahead.

From the sliding a sheet of paper department, a lot of this will look familiar to people who have been paying attention to any sort of policy announcements over the past decade.

That’s because many Conservative policies after 2003 just continued work that was already done or already in train under the Liberals.

From the superficial reporting department, consider that any media coverage of how many candidates the parties have nominated at this point is pretty much a pile of irrelevant bullshite. 

Update II:  Here’s the policy document in a version you can read and enjoy.

Caring for Our Seniors

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Update:  CBC has an online story that went live after this post first went up.  It is pretty vague on details despite the fact the Liberal announcement had tons of specifics.

What’s more interesting to see in the CBC comments section are the number of NDP astroturf (fake identities, likely all done by one or a small number of people) comments that criticise the announcement or claim – falsely  - that the ideas are NDP ones. 

You can expect a lot more of that sort of foolishness, especially if the NDP can’t come up with solid policy announcements of their own.

The July 2011 Traffic

Top 10 posts for July 2011, as decided by Bond Papers readers:

  1. Trade talks with Europeans = “doing back-room deal with a bunch of serial rapists”
  2. Forecasting the fall
  3. Skinner makes false statement in letter to Telegram
  4. Free tuition at NL university for Nova Scotians:  NL NDP leader
  5. Politicians and illness
  6. Cross Sheila off your list
  7. All three NL parties back Muskrat Falls project
  8. Makes it official, then
  9. I knew Marilyn Monroe
  10. Definitely cabinet material

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Sliding a sheet of paper, NDP version

The New Democrats announced a couple of policy planks last week for the general election campaign.

Well,  sort of announced.  The party’s news release says that leader Lorraine Michael announced something but part of it sure doesn’t look like much of a clear, verifiable commitment:

“Government should have done more to ensure that this province would play a role in the federal government shipbuilding plans.”

In contrast, the NDP leader said, an NDP government will help its province’s own shipyards secure contracts with outside buyers, …

So what does that mean exactly?

Good question.

What Michael is talking about in that first sentence is the decision by a private sector company to withdraw from a federal government tender competition. She doesn’t explain what more the provincial government was supposed to do nor does she give any idea of what some mythical New Democrat government of the future might do to change the situation she doesn’t really describe in the first place.

We just get the comment that the provincial government should have done “more” and that a New Democrat government will “help”.

In the second part of the shipbuilding “policy”, Michael said that the New Democrats would “commit to building Newfoundland and Labrador ferries within the province.”  Of course that is actually nothing new:  the current Conservative administration committed to the same thing in 2003.  While it took them four or five years to sort it out, they have managed to build a couple of ferries at shipyards inside the province.

Now while the release said Michael talked about two policies, there’s no way to be sure if the two policies were about shipbuilding or if this counts as the second plank:

“The provincial government has to work with all the players – industry, the municipalities, the workers – to ensure that the fishery can diversify and thrive,…”

That’s not really a policy so much as a general statement. Unfortunately for voters, it doesn’t actually mean anything. One might wonder, for example, how a municipality could help top restore fish stocks since there isn’t a town in the country that has any responsibility for any part of the fishery.

Maybe Michael meant something else.

Maybe she did not know what she means.

Voters will likely have a hard time knowing what Michael and the New Democrats mean either.

But readers of these e-scribbles will know what it means:

Of course, that’s pretty much consistent with political parties that aren’t interested in drawing in new supporters based on a platform aimed at voter interests.  As your humble e-scribbler noted for NTV, you are going to have a hard time sliding a sheet of paper between the parties on major issues. The one thing they will all have in common is a commitment to spend gobs of public cash:  pork is the priority. Likewise, for all parties – but especially the current incumbent Tories, it will be yet more  paternalism.

Local political parties all practice a form of defensive politics that involves a combination of preaching to the people they already have while repeating whatever it is the other guys have been doing that worked before.

Expect more of the same.

- srbp -

31 July 2011

The Summer of Love 2011

Five years after your humble e-scribbler first wrote about it, the world pretty much accepts the notion that the governing Conservatives time their communications to coincide with polling done by their contract pollster. A couple of university professors have taken up the task of documenting the extent of the poll goosing and talk radio stacking activities.

Well, labradore posted a couple of reminders last week about just exactly how intense this can get.

First, he show a chart comparing the number of releases issued in the middle of summer.  Not surprisingly, 2011 showed the heaviest news release output on record.  That’s not surprising because it is an election year and the the incumbent Tories apparently are having some problems with popular support.

Second, labradore charted the number of media advisories issued by the provincial government, by month from 1996 onward. No one ever said this poll goosing thing was something the Tories invented.  It’s just that they do it more aggressively than the gang that went before.

- srbp -