People don't have such short memories, Loyola.
Remember this CBC story from May 2005?
It was at the start of the campaign to get Hearn to put his province ahead of his loyalty to his Leader.
Just as Hearn had pressured Liberals to do repeatedly.
My favourite quote is from Danny Williams: "If Mr. Hearn wants to trade off his province for his country, then that's his decision."
The Fair Deal website generated over 14, 000 e-mails to Hearn and Norm Doyle, all of which he wiggled and wriggled to avoid as only Hearn could.
For the record here's a vid cap from the House as Norm Doyle votes to bring down the government and with it, the province's offshore bill. Norm looks so happy, doesn't he?
Thank heavens there were members of parliament who stood up for Newfoundland and Labrador when it counted.
Like Chuck Cadman.