In the TVA photo above, Dib is seen confronting the Connie campaign staffer over the incident. He can be heard saying quite clearly in the video clip words to the effect that "you can't chase after them...".
The French language version of the story can be found here, from TVA.ca.
Simply put, it's a criminal offence to apply force to any person. It is called assault.
Getting it on tape is one thing and it was kinda interesting to watch the very tall guy who had grabbed a petite female reporter as he meekly apologized to her after the Connie candidate had successfully escaped.
The point is though that putting the guy in the dock will make it abundantly clear there is a limit to how far campaign staff can go in efforts to block access to people who ought to be available to news media.
If they think an apology will cover it, then they will be laying hands on people again. And that is definitely not something to be tolerated.
If the guys with the earpieces, short haircuts and lapel pins won't take the complaint, find a cop that will.
Have the guy arrested.