If you weren’t one of the 14,412 people generating 17,698 pageviews at Bond Papers in September, here’s what they were reading:
- Jane Taber – Twit (the Globe’s gossip columnist)
- Court docket now online (the Provincial Court docket)
- Cruise ends abruptly in St. John’s (Cruise ship problems)
- Hurricane Igor Emergency Response: TASFU (Enduring problems in provincial government’s emergency response)
- Harper/Williams disconnect (What the PM said DND sent to help with Hurricane Igor versus what the provgov announced)
- Cruise ship sale and passengers “not even an issue”: mayor (Doc O’Keefe puts his foot in his mouth…again.)
- Katrina North: the picture changes (Public complaints about the provincial government’s hurricane relief efforts)
- Process stories, or real insiders don’t gab (The foolish election speculation in The Hill Times)
- Bury my lede at Muskrat Falls (From August, the real news (not good by any means) buried in a recent media report on the Lower Churchill buried)
- 24 French (The Premier and This hour has 22 minutes)
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