22 July 2005

The damn-fool fishery

This post was originally intended as a simple comment on one posted by Liam O'Brien about Iceland. At the time, I was intending it to be a much long thing, but in hindsight, I don't think it needs to be longer. [I hear people shouting "Shorter. Shorter."]

In light of the nonsense about a start-up to commercial fishing of cod and the ever-present bitching about the so-called food fishery, it actually makes for a timely piece now.

The simple answer on fish is that we are our own worst enemies. People like Jim Morgan, spouting utter tripe, get media coverage and manage to organize enough political pressure to get people to do things that make no sense. Like fishing at all a fish population that by any measure sits at far less in total than the amount of fish we were allowed to harvest in 1991.

The formula is simple for sensible people: There are no fish; therefore stop fishing. We call it conservation.

For the crowd calling for a food fishery - or as I like to call it the damn-fool fishery - the formula is: there are only a few fish; therefore for the sake of conserving the stock let us fish all but the last one, and make sure that if any are caught they are caught by someone from Newfoundland.

Let's hope that the federal fisheries department will keep making its policy choices rather than listen to the damn fools in this province who continually attack it.

Anyway, here's the piece for Liam -

Liam O'Brien's rejoinder to my post about Iceland went up a couple of days ago. It is worth having a look at if only for the intensity of Liam's presentation.

Liam claims toward the end of his piece: "I think I know why Ed's decided to go so hard against the Iceland comparison."

Actually I don't go hard against the Iceland comparison. I endorse the Iceland model and wish its substance would be employed here.

Iceland is a very useful object lesson, as I attempted to point out, if only people would look hard at the two places in the 1940s and again today and see with their eyes fully open what it is that has made the difference between the two places. The difference is not independence.

In his lengthy reposte to me, though, Liam actually proves my point. Each of the fisheries quotes he tosses up were not about anything other than preserving antiquated and outmoded fishing methods well after Confederation. Numerous inquiries and commissions in the years after Confederation had recommended changes; the changes were resisted tooth and nail.

The quotes Liam tosses up about trawlers in the late 1960s were arguments against a technology which we had ignored and which was proving to be infinitely more successful than the small boat operations which persisted in the province until relatively recently. This is a point I noted in "All trout live in trees" and it is worth restating. The industry in the province at the time of Confederation and for decades afterward steadfastly resisted attempts to turn the fishery into a modern, thriving business. By the 1980s, the government in power deliberately stuffed ever more people into the fishery such that no fish plant work or small boat fisherman could earn a decent living from labour alone. The fishery could only survive by massive social welfare programs and became itself a massive welfare system. Even today, fully 89% of fishplant workers make a meagre $16, 000 or less from their labour.

This dole was not foisted on the people of this province by some evil design of the minions in Ottawa. The inability to earn a living wage from the fishery was not a plot by central Canada to have someone else catch our fish.

People could not earn a living from the fishery simply because there were too many people attempting to suck a wage from a resource which even at its peak could never have delivered a living wage to the tens of thousands working in it. When the federal government realized in the early 1950s there was little chance of making significant changes for the good in the fishery in this province, it resorted instead to improving living standards by income supports. As decades passed, dependence on social programs grew and the willingness to change the character of the fishery dwindled. The fishery has become less business and livelihood and ever increasing amounts of myth.

The fishery as it stands today is a testament to choices made by Newfoundlanders and Labradorians directly and through their provincial and federal governments. The federal government's fisheries policy is the result of many factors but it is too convenient to ignore the role which fishing and other interests from this province have played in setting Canada's fisheries policy in Newfoundland and Labrador.

If we need any proof that these damn-fool ideas persist and have influence, one need only listen to the radio call-in shows, examine the provincial government's 1980s-style makework projects or listen to our federal cabinet representative.

Independence has nothing to do with it, Liam.

Mar 10 delayed - Labradorians still get more from Ottawa than St. John's

As I wad cleaning out the mouldy drafts bin, I can across this one which for some reason I didn't post back in March. Here it is now, for the record if nothing else.

[Note: originally drafted March 10, 2005]

There was some reason behind Danny Williams' hastily organized road trip to Labrador this week involving the whole cabinet and a gigantic news conference of cash announcements.

There was a reason...

but damned if I can figure out what it was.

Nor, as I have discovered can anyone else I know offer a theoretically possible explanation that doesn't involve a misalignment of celestial bodies and their influence on undiagnosed mental illness.

The best theory goes that it had something to do with the byelection. Problem for me on that one is that Danny Williams doesn't get any value of putting someone in the caucus of a party he doesn't support when he already holds sway over every MP save one and a good few of the senators from this province already.

Plus, Danny's man - which ever one gets the Tory nod - doesn't stand much of a chance of getting elected in Labrador anyway.

The story of the Labrador road trip gets ever stranger though, when you take into account Rob Antle's front page story in today's Telegram. I have linked to the Telly website but Miller didn't post Rob's story there today. Instead, I am reprinting it below.

It turns out that all but $3.0 million of the $56 million announced by Danny Williams comes courtesy of Ottawa.


it seems most of the projects involved have been announced at least once before, some as recently as a couple of weeks ago.


Add this trip to your Homer Simpson file.

Before we get to the Antle piece, I'll toss out some observations:

1. John Efford needs to take a hard look around him and ask the great Dr. Phil question: "Is this working for you?" Every successful one of John's predecessors never let a nickel of federal money get spent anywhere in the province without the very coins themselves bearing a tag reading "Courtesy of Ottawa". It is unthinkable and unfathomable and a whole bunch of other "un-ables" that John Efford continues to let Danny Williams claim credit for cash from Ottawa.

If John wants to rebuild his image that he tarnished so badly during the recent Accord episode he need look no farther than these sort of announcements.

Get a grip, John.

2. Danny Williams evidently profitted from the advice from his golfing buddy Brian Tobin on being a successful politician. The current Premier's short-lived predecessor was fond of announcing an announcement that announced an announcement of something began to be announced originally a year beforehand. His record may be six news releases and news conferences on a single action, but I'll let someone else keep a closer track of Brian's exact score.

Incidentally, Tobin was once described as being able to smell a headline a mile away. See Greg Weston's account of the Turner tenure as Prime Minister and Leader Opp. (Reign of error, (Toronto: MacGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1988), pp. 142-143) for the full story.

This Labrador trip has Brian Tobin's fingerprints all over it. If Tobin wasn't involved directly, then Danny seems to been channeling Tobin's ghost from the greens.

3. While this gaff isn't as damaging as some of the stuff we saw a year ago, it seems that Tobin...err...Williams and his political staff still have some fundamental difficulties with getting the basics right.

Surely someone knew that this money was old and Federal. No one saw this coming? Maybe the fine are of writing a briefing note that actually says something has been lost.

If the whole thing was one of The Boss' Manic Monday Moments, surely to heavens there is somebody on the Hill who can talk him in off the ledge.

I just shake my head sometimes in utter disbelief. Don't even get me started on the announcement today of a paltry sum to handle school renovations and repairs that appears to have been timed purely in reaction to the last flooding of a St. John's area school.

Anyway, here's the story by Rob Antle.

It may be a one party state, but at least it is entertaining.

Is there a matinee on Sunday? What's the entree this evening?

Text begins...

"Old cash in Williams' speech"
by Rob Antle
The Telegram

Page A1

The Williams administration previously announced plans to spend most of the $56 million it portrayed as new money for Labrador this week.

And the vast majority of the money comes from federal, not provincial, sources.

"Today I am announcing a 2005-06 investment of $56 million to improve access to health services, strengthen aboriginal communities, build and repair infrastructure and expand economic opportunities," Premier Danny Williams said in a news release Tuesday.

"This is the strongest signal yet that government intends to see Labrador thrive and prosper, and to see Labradorians enjoy the same standard of living enjoyed by residents living on the island."

What Williams didn't say is that government previously announced $31 million of that $56-million total six months earlier.

In September 2004, the province said it would spend $35 million to kick-start Phase 3 of the Trans-Labrador Highway.

In Happy Valley-Goose Bay Tuesday, Williams announced $40 million in spending on Phase 3 of the highway - with, he acknowledged, some "carry-overs" from the previous year.

But those "carry-overs" amounted to $31 million, or 78 per cent of the $40-million total.

Department of Transportation officials confirmed Wednesday that new, unannounced, work will account for only $9 million of the money spent in 2005-06.

Elizabeth Matthews, a spokeswoman for Williams, downplayed the discrepancy.

"As the premier stated yesterday, some of these funds are carried from last year," she said in a statement late Wednesday.

Matthews instead highlighted the positive aspects of other funding announced by Williams, such as money for social programs and other infrastructure.

Some of those infrastructure projects have already seen the light of the government news wire as well.

On Feb. 22, the province announced millions in multi-year capital works funding for Wabush and Labrador City - totals that appeared to be included in the $56-million tally unveiled Tuesday.

And most of the money involved is actually federal cash.

Every dime of the $40 million announced for Labrador highway work is from Ottawa.

It is the remaining cash in the Labrador Transportation Initiative Fund - the $340-million, one-time buyout from Ottawa accepted in 1997 by the Tobin administration for taking over responsibility of the Labrador ferry system.

Some $13.3 million of the remaining $16 million comes from various infrastructure funds.

The province offered no specific breakdowns on what money will come from which fund. But most of the programs are cost-shared, with the province picking up anywhere from about 30 per cent to 70 per cent of the overall tab.

The remaining total of about $3 million is broken down into a number of smaller initiatives.

Those include $167,000 for Labrador West residents traveling to Goose Bay for medical care, $200,000 for a hospital infrastructure assessment, $500,000 for the 2006 Labrador Winter Games and $70,000 to reopen a group home.

The Opposition critic for Labrador affairs dismissed many of the funding announcements as recycled news.

"After reviewing the number of announcements yesterday, it appears many of these initiatives were already announced or are being supplemented by federal money," Cartwright-L'Anse au Clair MHA Yvonne Jones said in a statement.

"There seems to be very little in the way of new announcements and many of the pressing needs and priorities of Labradorians were completely ignored."

Jones pointed specifically at the roads funding as an example.

"Premier Williams is trying to convince people that he announced $40 million for the Trans Labrador Highway," Jones said. "In actual fact, this money was announced years ago and is coming directly from the Labrador transportation fund.

"This is nothing more than an attempt by the premier to be seen investing new money in Labrador, when in actual fact, he is bribing the people of Labrador with their own money."

Labrador could be the site of at least one provincial byelection within months.

Two MHAs - Jones and Wally Andersen of Torngat Mountains - are contesting the federal Liberal nomination for Labrador.

If either wins the nomination, they would have to resign their provincial seat.

Andersen has also been linked to a potential role in the new Inuit government of Nunatsiavut.

The potential for another Labrador byelection was averted this week when Labrador West MHA Randy Collins said he would not run federally for the New Democrats.

Collins said in an interview that many people in his district have a positive reaction to this week's funding announcements.

He pointed to health-care money targeted at Labrador West. "I'm pleased to see that (the premier) kept that commitment."

He added, "Always, you'd like to see more."

Text ends.

Megapost for Monday/Get Smart Trivia instead

Since I am still trying to enjoy my vacation, I am putting off the Andy Wells megapost until Monday.

In the meantime, here's the answer to an old Get Smart trivia question I posed a while back, including a reference to the SAGE from back in April:

The question was about the link between Max, 99 and Newfoundland.

Here's the answer as posted to wouldyoubelieve.com:

Airdate: Saturday, March 1, 1969, 8:00 PM
Writers: Arne Sultan and Chris Hayward
Director: Jay Sandrich
Carl's Rating: ***

KAOS has been hijacking trucks filled with electronic equipment, so Max goes undercover as a truck driver. He promptly has his truck hijacked. Max can identify the hijacker, but the man he identifies was killed months before. That leads the Chief to suspect top scientist Dr. Eric Zharko of having perfected a machine to bring the dead back to life.

Max and 99 journey to a small island off the coast of Newfoundland to search for Dr. Zharko's lab in the island's caves. Unfortunately, Zharko finds them first and he attempts to place Max and 99 in suspended animation for five years.

Tom Poston, who was the original choice to play Max, appears in a great over-the-top performance as Dr. Zharko. "

Meanwhile, in current day Maine, a small ship disguised as a missile tracking vessel slips quietly out to sea. On board are agents of KAOS, the international organization of evil heading to re-activate Zharko's base.

Ludwig von Siegfried, KAOS vice president of public relations und terrorism (I swear that was his title) could not be reached for comment.

21 July 2005

Ubique - James Montgomery Doohan, 1920-2005

Pause a moment today and remember James Doohan, who passed away yesterday morning at his home in Washington state at the age of 85.

Best known and eulogised already as engineer Montgomery Scott on the original Star Trek series, Doohan was an established character actor and veteran of the Second World War.

As a young artillery officer with the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, Doohan landed on Juno Beach, 6 June 1944. Doohan was wounded subsequently, losing a finger and reputedly being saved from a mortal chest wound by the swift action of a cigarette case.

Doohan became the embodiment of the artillery motto ubique, literally translated as everywhere, since his popularity as engineer Scott led him to appear just about everywhere. Try and find a news website without a mention of Doohan today.

Quo fas et gloria ducunt, Jimmy Doohan.

In your case, right and glory have hopefully led to a restful eternity.

Shamless fan-ism

It's been a real treat with Lynda Calvert hosting the CBC supperhour news this week.

20 July 2005

Does this sound like Andy Wells to you, Norm?

For those who may not be familiar with the issues involved in Danny Williams' attempt to foist Andy Wells on the offshore board, just take a look at the qualifications description Danny Williams approved for the ad Robertson Surette placed for the offshore board job.

It's really important to notice too that what Danny Williams called a mainland company is actually the local office of an internationally respected head-hunting firm.

It's the firm he approved.

Here's the list of qualifications:

"Candidates will have an in-depth knowledge of Newfoundland and LabradorÂ’s offshore oil and gas activities, along with a demonstrated ability to manage an organization with diverse technical and regulatory responsibilities, and to work effectively with senior industry and government officials. Qualified individuals will also have a good understanding of the structure and operation of the Canadian and international petroleum industry. Applicants will have extensive experience in the operational aspects of offshore petroleum activities, including full knowledge of related business, financial, safety and environmental matters, and of federal and provincial government legislation and operations. In addition, candidates will have experience in dealing with industry associations and a wide range of non-government organizations. This position requires exceptional communication skills."

Ok. Leave Andy Wells out of this for a second.

nowheree does the description say the person should have extensive experience in negotiating benefits for the province. It doesn't even hint at that. That's because the chairman and chief executive officer doesn't do that job. Danny Williams does.

As for Williams' comments about the existing list being "too close to the industry", I'd like to know how anyone would acquire the skills to run a regulatory body as described above and not actually know some people in the oil business. Again, the Prem's claim about "too close" is bogus: it isn't the real issue.

Now think of Andy Wells and see if you can see which of the above qualities Mr. Wells possesses.

Personally, I can think of a few other jobs related to the offshore where he might be better suited than asCEOo of the offshore board.

If Danny is so amazed by Andy Wells abilities, maybe Danny would appoint him minister of energy and let Andy actually handle the negotiations on Hebron.

What this all comes down to is credibility and while local media have been avoiding asking the Premier any tough questions on the Wells issue, I think this is another matter where a little caution is merited before we climb back on any bandwagons.

Go back and see what the Prem wanted from the offshore in January 2004 and see what he accepted in 2005 while proclaiming it "100%". The Prem will be quite happy to retell the war story again and again, but here's the kicker:

Compare the claim against the facts.

Notice the huge gap.

Now ponder the Premier's most recent offshore foray.

Ponder that until tomorrow's megapost which will wrap the whole thing up in a neat package.

Norm Doyle: oily untruth-meister spins more falsehoods

In an interview with CBC Radio's Geoff Gilhooley on 19 July, Norm Doyle told a story of being called by someone Norm identified as a lobbyist for the oil industry to make the claim that Andy Wells wasn't wanted by the industry as chair of the offshore board.

There are a couple of obvious pieces of nonsense in this entire Doyle interview:

1. Why the hell would anyone call Norm Doyle about anything to do with the offshore? He has NO influence over anything, let alone who sits on the offshore board.

I think Norm is telling a giant fib. A nose-puller. A falsehood.

A Gurmant Grewal.

Gee, likes that's the first time he's done that in recent months.

2. Doyle talks about having a strong chair as the solution for getting more from the offshore from the industry.

Norm has NO idea what he is talking about.

The Board doesn't do that job - Danny does.

3. The industry isn't the enemy here.

What Danny, Norm and da byes are up to is yet another example of misdirection.

They are picking a fight with the oil industry even though the oil industry has nothing to do with who runs the regulatory Board.


Not a sausage.

They want you to ignore Danny's efforts at political interference by getting angry at someone else.

4. Norm accuses the PM of having patronage on his mind.

Again, let's distract from an obvious case of political interference by accusing the feds of the very misdeed the province is doing.

The point is, Norm, - if you actually had a clue about anything - you know full well the process Danny is busily scuttling is designed to keep patronage out of appointments as well as keeping unqualified people out of key jobs.

Let the Accord work as it is supposed to work.

5. It will be Hibernia the Sequel: make-work and no royalties.

Underneath this all, with the way Danny and Norm talk, all I can hear is Brian Peckford talking about forcing the oil companies into building a gravity based structure for Hibernia.

Refineries. More benefits from oil.

We have heard the same sad song before.

The only people who pay for it are people like you and me.

We actually get less from the offshore than if we had not let political games trump the best interests of the province.

Now I want to know why Norm is joining Danny Williams in playing political games with the offshore.

Why is Norm Doyle telling yet more oily untruths?

CNLOPB: the process

How odd to hear Danny Williams crapping on Robertson Surette, the head-hunters who have bene busily trying to find a chief executive for the offshore Board using a process Danny Williams first wanted but now wants to scuttle.

Rob Sur's local office is run by a former assistant treasury board secretary - one of the most senior public service position there is. The guy is accomplished and professional.

The whole selection process was driven by the provincial and federal governments. They set the criteria; they sat the interviews and developed the questions. Rob Sur's job is to keep the thing on an even and impartial keel.

But media people - you have consistently missed the main issues here:

- the process isn't finished.
- the process is supposed to be open and impartial, not the kind of personal fiat patronage Williams is trying to make it (Don't take my word for it read the Real Atlantic Accord).
- The Prem already has the power to negotiate whatever deal he wants on the offshore - he doesn't need Andy Wells.

What CNLOPB needs is someone who understands the oil industry, who is professional and capable of running the board.

The selection process is designed to find just such a person based on qualities both the feds and the province selected.

Let the process as described in the Accord work.

That's another way we get to be principal beneficiary of the offshore: we replace the political glad-handing of jobs and hire properly qualified people.

19 July 2005

Let process pick a Mercedes

Despite what Premier Danny Williams might want people to believe about the job as chair of the federal-provincial offshore board, here are a few facts that get in the way of the neat little story he fobbed off on CBC news.

1. The process isn't finished. The premier told CBC news that he rejected the short list. The problem is he shouldn't have seen a short list; the candidates hadn't been interviewed when he started pushing Andy Wells last week.

An e-mail came my way just before I went on holidays documenting the process to date; so far there was no list for the Premier to reject. He is pushing Andy Wells before letting the head-hunters finish their job.

2. What about a woman, Danny? Even if by some chance the selection process was finished, I'd still like to know why Danny is pushing Andy Wells and not a senior executive with bags of offshore knowledge like ..say.. Leslie Galway? If for some reason she wasn't on the list of five slated for interviews, the Prem took a strange step by passing over Leslie in favour of Andy.

Why did the Prem take Leslie out of the CNLOPB process? Or if she was omitted already, why didn't he just put her right back in?

3. Under the Atlantic Accord, the real one signed in 1985, the feds and the province must use an open, competitive process to find a chief executive officer. That's blank and white. If Danny wants to live by the agreement as he claimed during the revenue dispute then he should do so now by sticking to clause 16.

Danny Williams is trying a closed, secretive process instead. If Andy hadn't blabbed, we never would have known. In the process underway, we know that there is little or no room for political interference. We won't see some candidate flung up by one party or another like this was a banana republic: the most qualified person will get the job.

The Accord process is pretty specific:

- an open and transparent process, first and foremost.

- alternatively, an agreed-upon candidate.

- if all else fails, an arbitration process is described which takes the hands of both governments out of the job of finding a chief executive officer.

The Premier's attempt at political interference/patronage simply isn't allowed under the Real Atlantic Accord.

4. The Board doesn't negotiate local benefits. The Prem claims he wants Wells so that Wells can fight for added benefits for the province (What did I tell you he'd say?)

The offshore board regulates and manages exploration, development and production offshore. It doesn't set local benefits. Those things are negotiated by the provincial and federal governments. And here's the ace up the province's sleeve: under the real Accord, the provincial energy minister - namely Ed Byrne - can reject a development application. Even if the offshore board accepts a plan the province doesn't like, Ed Byrne can veto the whole thing.

He has that legal power and don't let anyone tell you differently.

Danny Williams doesn't need Andy Wells at the offshore board to negotiate a better benefits deal with the oil companies. That's Danny's job and he has all the power he needs.

So the question still remains: what is Danny up to?

- The process set out in the Atlantic Accord isn't finished.
- Even if it was, there is a specific means established for selecting a chairman for the offshore Board: Williams is ignoring both the spirit and the letter of the Accord without any reason.
- Why did the Prem take Leslie Galway out of the running for CEO to make room for Andy?
- The Prem already has all the power he needs to negotiate increased industrial benefits for the province. Why is he pushing the nonsense that he needs Andy to help out?

Maybe we could actually let the process - the legal process, free of political interference actually work as the real accord provides. If we take political games out of the offshore, the people of the province might actually get a highly qualified person to run the board - say a Mercedes, a BMW or a Volvo of a CEO.

I don't know about you, but I am getting a little tired of the fiats.

Delusions, delusions, delusions

Not much of a surprise here that old Peckford cabinet mates Bill Matthews and Norm Doyle would get into bed together on Andy Wells as head of the board regulating the offshore, as VOCM reports.

Doyle apparently thinks he landed the money in the recent offshore dispute; haven't seen the householder but someone has described it to me.

Ok. So Norm is delusional.

What else is new?

Now he thinks Andy Wells would be a great chairman for the Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board.


Fair enough.

But here's the problem and it is linked to Andy's little claim that he is the "official" nominee from the province for the job.

The nominee from either side hasn't been determined yet.

That's because both sides agreed to a simple process involving a selection run by one of the country's top head-hunting firms.

Apparently, Andy didn't apply.

Apparently, Andy didn't get approached by the head-hunters to apply.

So what is Andy Wells?

right now he is a guy the Prem is playing with for some reason.

At some point Danny will tell us, if the mood strikes him.

Maybe the Telegram could submit an access request to see if Karen Ryan has polled on this subject.

At least then we'd know the Prem was actually involved.

We'd hear the denials all the way up here in Kingston.

18 July 2005

Let's find something useful for Danny to do.

John Efford was absolutely right when he told CBC news that there was an agreed upon process to find a new chair for the offshore board - and Wells wasn't on the list.

And Andy Wells is right when he says that he knows nothing more than that the Prem suggested Wells' name.

The problem is, Andy, the process is not being followed and the Premier knows full well that his suggestion is offside; maybe more like throwing a monkey-wrench into the works.

So the simple question is this:

What game is Danny Williams playing?

What's Danny up to now?

There's a story today on VOCM that I picked up last week before leaving on vacation:

Despite there being a process already in place to find a highly qualified candidate to head the Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, Danny Williams is pushing the appointment of Andy Wells outside the process.

Both the feds and the province agreed to have a national head-hunting company find a new chair for CNLOPB. Ads were placed across the country in April and a raft of highly qualified, local applicants have been screened down to the point where interviews are due to start if they haven't started already.

So where is this plan to appoint Andy Wells coming from?

Straight out of Danny Williams head.

But why?

Well, here are a couple of scenarios:

1. Wells, who knows little about oil and gas regulation but much about kicking up a stink, would be well positioned to bugger around with the forthcoming Hebron proposal. Wells would be a tag team with the Premier to try and push Chevron around a bit and since both men are of similar minds, there'd be less bickering between the two of them than between them and the oil companies.

In this case, Andy would owe his job to Danny, too which would help keep the waters smooth.

Since Andy is supposedly tight with the Prime Minister, Williams probably figures Wells would be a hard one for Paul Martin to reject. If the PM does reject Andy then Wells will likely kick up a fuss and the Prem can claim that the PM doesn't want a strong Newfoundlander on the Board.

Danny would be full of crap if he made that argument but hey, it is something he is almost guaranteed to try. I can hear the Premier on Open Line, Crap Talk and Night Line now.

All things considered, Williams probably figures he comes out a winner either way it goes.

Don't count on it.

2. Maybe Williams doesn't like some of the contenders for the CNLOPB job. He's in a position to know who they are, unlike the rest of us. Williams just removed one candidate by appointing her - out of the blue - to a backwater job as his deputy business minister. Maybe he wants to block the rest by going outside a process designed to find a highly qualified, professional senior executive - in other words, the ideal candidate for the job.

3. Maybe he wants to open the Mayor's job to his own hand-picked guy. Don't be surprised if someone known to be tight to the Prem suddenly emerges as a likely candidate for Andy's job at City Hall. If all goes well, Williams would wind up owning City Hall and CNLOPB.

Regardless of the reason, I just don't see a case for appointing Andy Wells to head CNLOPB. If Wells was so interested in the job, he had plenty of time to apply. If the head-hunting firm thought he was such a qualified candidate they'd have gone hunting Wells already.

This little scenario smells pretty suspicious. I'd be for sticking with the process and see who comes out on top.

But hey, if Danny wants to go outside the process, I have a candidate for him:

Lloyd Matthews.

How can you possibly turn him down, Danny?

After all, Danny knows Lloyd's daughter really well.

15 July 2005

Pull the other one, Steve Marshall...

It's got bells on it.

The man accused of beating Premier Danny Williams' son (also called Danny Williams) was acquitted this week amid accusations that the Premier and his officials had improperly interfered in the police investigation into the case and the subsequent prosecution.

Little surprise therefore that the family lawyer, and the Prem's former law partner, Steve Marshall is rushing forward to say two things:

1. In an interview in the Telly on Thursday, Marshall acknowledged that Danny Williams the Elder called the police at about 0400 on the morning after the assault. According to Marshall, the Prem wanted to ask the police what the procedure was in this case.

That's where I first yelled bullshit.

If Marshall is to be believed, experienced lawyer Danny Williams, Queen's Counsel, a guy who has represented numerous civil and criminal defendants over the years was suddenly struck stupid. He apparently forgot the procedure one should follow (or that the police should follow) after someone beats the crap out of your adult son.

The story would be plain bullshit if Williams was still just a downtown lawyer.

But, when the guy is also the Premier of the province, Marshall's story turns into something else entirely - more like finely aged bovine excreta.

Not only was Williams ignorant of the law and police procedure, according to Marshall but he also decided that apparently it didn't matter that he was the Queen's first minister in the province and that maybe a call to the local cops might not put their whole system a bit out of whack.

If Marshall is to be believed, the Premier sees nothing wrong with having the Premier of the province picking up the phone and calling the local cops. This is normal, in Marshall's world, and then everyone just goes back to Tim's.

Even if the Prem's call was really, golly gee, just to see what to do next, apparently neither Williams then nor Marshall now think for one tiny instant that maybe, just maybe, the constable that answered the phone might be forced to change his underpants because Williams - the frickin' Premier - was speaking with him personally about a police investigation, underway or pending. The tone of the call was likely not calm, incidentally, if the Premier's reputed mercurial temper was in full bloom at the time.

Now to be fair, had Williams and his lawyer stuck to a more plausible line to try and deflect attention from the political attack the Prem is facing over the call, they might just have been believed. (Lesson learned: Never hire lawyers to handle public relations.)

After all, the police are supposed to take an attack on any Premier or his family damned seriously. I wouldn't want it any other way. Had the Premier been right in his conspiracy theory and adult son Danny got the crap kicked out of him for political reasons, then we should expect the local constab to drop everything and put an end to violence that has a huge political taint to it.

I'd expect the Chief of Police to take notice, for the case to be assigned to Major Crimes and, when it gets to the Crown prosecutor's office, that it is handled by the SPU. That's the Special Prosecutions Unit where the top prosecutors go. It's a sensible approach for a whole bunch of reason.

But here's the problem.

Williams and Marshall are telling an implausible story.

The political thing was bullshit from the start.

The Premier screwed up big-time.

Not only did he - the Premier - threaten people/make false public accusations, he made the call to the cops. Marshall admitted it and his explanation is as unbelievable as the testimony of three guys who were so hammered on the night of the assault they likely had trouble standing up straight.

Even if it was an innocent call, it was grossly inappropriate and that's why he shouldn't have done it. Report it to the cops - better yet have your principal assistant do it - and let them call you back. Keep the Premier himself and the Office as far from the investigation as possible. He ain't just - and never was - Danny from the Block, as much as the Premier has tried to deploy that silly excuse in recent days.

Keep the Premier directly out of it. That's the rule. At the very least, that keeps the process clean so there can be no accusation of impropriety. And there can no genuine impropriety because, trust me, when the Premier of the province calls anyone out there, they sit up and take notice. Add some 'tude to the call and you can imagine how easily someone might start thinking that heads will roll if someone isn't strung up for the beating.

Besides, if Danny Williams doesn't get it that the office he holds carries power, then he is simply a fool. I don't believe he is a fool and he shouldn't treat you and me like one either.

That leads us to:

2. Marshall's claim, seen here for example, that there is some indication that the witnesses who switched from their sworn statements to their original statements - i.e. "I was too drunk to recall my own name, officer" - might have been intimidated into switching their stories.

Given the sequence of events, I am disinclined to believe this claim on three grounds.

First, it surfaced after the Prem was accused of impropriety in his dealings with the police.

That's a bit too convenient for my taste. It smacks of an old tactic the Prem is fond of - distraction. It's just like his constant claims of conspiracy whenever something happens that doesn't look good for him.

Son assaulted - conspiracy (Lone assailant, allegedly, but Danny turns it into a political issue by dragging the guy's Mom into it).

Sino-Energy story broken by media after google search - conspiracy (They actually did a google search, Danny. You guys should learn about the Internet.)

Canadians detest his flag stunt - conspiracy of the Liberals comms machine (Oops almost forgot a poll that kicked the crap out of that nonsense, paid for by the Premier's Office.)

But I digress.

Second, the story as presented in court by the two witnesses is plausible - much more than the Williams/Marshall fable. Under oath on a witness stand in a criminal trial, the two individuals, one of whom was the only eyewitness to the events, decided under oath to tell the truth - not what they changed their story to a few days after being contacted by the police.

The judge - the guy who actually sat through all the evidence - didn't think there was a problem here. If Marshall or anyone else had evidence of tampering why wasn't it taken to the police and hence to the Crown on the file for immediate action? In another high profile case recently, the accused found himself facing more charges related to witness tampering before he even got part way into his bail hearing.

Thirdly, Marshall has yet to offer a plausible theory as to why anyone would want to save the accused's ass in the first place. There isn't any obvious reason and Marshall hasn't even tried to explain why people would make three, count 'em, three threats for the witnesses to change their story.

It doesn't add up, Steve. It just doesn't add up.

This all looks to me like a series of convenient claims by Williams and his lawyer to draw attention away from what might actually be fairly innocent - i.e. a phone call from the Prem to the cops. Improper yes, and easy to explain, but far from undue interference in the process as the Opposition and others are taking.

With the vigor of their denials and claims, Marshall and Williams lend credence to the idea that there was something highly improper at play here and maybe, just maybe involved the kind of political interference in the judicial process for which someone ought to be tossed from office or maybe sent to jail.

That the Premier decided to drag the accused's family into the matter and repeat the unsubstantiated political angle to the assault is bordering on the reprehensible. Sorry, Danny Senior, it isn't common knowledge that the accused's mom was on a picket line. Besides, how the hell would you know that anyway if you weren't keeping close tabs on the whole matter?

While a day ago I thought this story would blow over, I am now of the opinion that this entire file should be handed over to a judicial inquiry immediately.

The next best option would be to call in the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and commit to making the entire OPP report made public.

At the very least, release the audio tapes and transcripts of any and all calls the Premier made to the police on this matter.

Now that the case is finished in court, maybe the local media will start interviewing people who were involved in this matter directly or indirectly. Lots of other details - long rumoured - might burble to the surface and be confirmed or dismissed.

But one thing is certain: the truth will eventually come out.

It's just a matter of time.


All I ever wanted.


Had to get away.


Not to be spent alone.

Ok, so that isn't the song everyone knows. So sue me.

As of 6:20 this morning (a day early and $600 extra thanks to Air Can-do-nada and the exemplary project planning skills of Halifax airport officials), my happy little family and I are off to a well-deserved vacation visiting my wife's parents in Kingston, ON.

For your not-quite-so-humble e-scribbler, it's the first official, feet-up break in a few years and I am looking forward to it.

Not as much as my seven-year old daughter, apparently, who told me bluntly this afternoon that vacations are no fun without Dad along. She wants to play cards (she plays a wicked game of Crazy Eights), go swimming and just hang out, and truthfully I can't think of a better way to spend some hot days in Kingston.

The in-laws have an in-ground pool which we will likely be living in, if the weather stays as hot as it has been lately.

Of course, I'll have access to a computer and my e-mail, but for the next week I'll be away from the blogosphere.

And loving it.

14 July 2005

Now that I have your attention

Leslie Galway is an accomplished senior executive with extensive experience in the province's energy sector both from her time at the Public Utilities Board and from her time at the Newfoundland Ocean industries Association (NOIA).

Off the top of my head, I can think of three jobs where her talents would be much better applied than as deputy minister of a department that really shouldn't exist in the first place and which, all things considered, still doesn't really have a clearly defined mandate.

1. Chair and chief executive officer of the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board. The job is available. There is an active competition to fill the post. While the competition may be stiff, the CNLOPB job is one that Leslie could handle in spades and make a solid contribution. She may languish in the Business department, but at CNLOPB she could sink her teeth in.

2. Deputy Minister of Natural Resources. I know the job isn't open, but the Prem can easily re-assign people. Again, this is a place where Leslie's experience and ability are natural matches with the job and the department.

3. Energy Policy. There still isn't a comprehensive provincial energy policy. Leslie would be one strong choice to chair a small team to put the policy together. If that wasn't in the cards, then the provincial government could create a small policy section, headed by Galway, to focus on future development of the offshore in all its dimensions. There's a job where, again, Leslie could shine based on her background and her most recent experience. If we want to develop the oil business for the province, then there is a need for something like the old petroleum policy section. Let's revamp it and put Leslie in charge.

In her new job, Leslie is going to be basically following the Premier's lead because the Business department really plays to the Prem's personal strong suit. She might find it a bit limiting, but while she may rise to the challenge, I think we could better apply someone like Leslie Galway in public service than the new job she now faces.

Doug House's nail clippings: new business DM a waste of provincial cash

While it has been on the books since last year, with one full-time senior employee and an acting deputy minister (until yesterday), try and find some information about the Department of Business, headed by Premier Danny Williams.

I dare you.

On the government website, in the departments and agencies section, isn't a single mention of the department.

Not one.

If you go to the front page and click on the Premier's link, you'll find his smiling mug staring back at you but nary a word about the department he heads.

Here's what the department does, according to the release announcing Leslie Galway's plum new job:

"The Premier said the Department of Business, in close collaboration with the Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development, will take a leadership role in building a competitive economy that is driven by private sector firms operating in all regions of the province. Reporting to the Premier, the deputy minister provides executive leadership and advice regarding governments agenda and its policies and programs, in order to foster business success in the province."


Now go back to the release, take a look at Galway's bio and see if you can match the two up.

When you have taken the two seconds to spot the big gaps, go back to hunting for information on the department.

There isn't much.

My favourite place for government information is the budget. Let's see what cash has been allocated, since there must be approval from the House before money gets spent.

The title page of the budget entry for the Department of Business says this:

"The Department of Business is responsible for providing leadership and coordination across Government departments and Crown agencies to promote business development and good business relations. This includes overseeing the design and coordination of broad business development policies and the coordination of common business-related and marketing activities, particularly at the national and international level.

The Department has a particular focus on working with the private and public sectors to develop strategic plans and policies for creating a competitive investment climate in the Province and for leading targeted business attraction and investment prospecting initiatives in key sectors of the economy."

Notice the difference between what Liz Matthews put in the Galway release and what the House of Assembly was told last year. We aren't talking about national and international level marketing activities any more. Maybe the role of the department has been shifting with the sands of fortune. Maybe the government priorities have been shifting.

But anyway, we are finally starting to hit some solid information.

Turn to the next page of Budget 2005 and you start to see some curious things:

The Minister's Office is funded with $45, 000 in transportation and communications and $5,000 in pens, paper and stationery. The Premier is the Minister. He already has a big office and a big budget.

So what's the 45K for travel doing parked over here? Accountability you say? Piffle says me. The Premier can easily account for his travel allocations without having to set aside a specific amount of cash. When his budget is presented to the House, his Clerk can tell the members how the cash is split up. Case closed.

Slide across with your finger and notice that out of last year's allocation, the Prem spent all of $10, 000 last year from this allocation. If we are still in hard times why did he allocate the same amount again? Cut it back I say to the amount needed.

Next item is executive support (the bit where Leslie goes). There's $381, 100 for everything from salaries to travel to pens. But the whole executive group: deputy minister, assistant deputy etc, only get $26, 000 for travel compared to double that for The Boss. Hmmmmm.

Then we get to the biggest line item so far: something called "strategic planning and communications" with a budget of $493, 900. That's funding the so-called branding piece that has been whispered about all over town but few people know about.

The initial market research to support it was done last year by Noel O'Dea and Target Marketing. There was no tender for the contract; Treasury Board exempted it from the usual process. The contract was worth about $98, 000.

In the meantime, the province's senior communications officer - assistant secretary to cabinet Denis Abbott - was the point-of-contact for the ad soliciting bids on actually running the ad campaign. No word on who submitted a bid or where the process is, but it will likely be a major piece. I'd expect to see upwards of several million dollars spent on "branding" the province over the next few years.

The natural choice for the work would be Target, which is so good that to call it world-class (the favourite claim of posers) would be an insult to the team Noel leads. McCain. Air Canada. The Irvings. North Atlantic refining. All Target stuff.

There may be some pressure to give the job to Craig Tucker and the bunch at M5. Tucker helped Danny get elected and M5 has done a fine job with the New Brunswick tourism account, one of their major pieces of business.

Last thing in the budget is the half million in cash allocated for business attraction. I gather this is the actual campaign that will be mapped out in strategic planning bit.

This little rump of a department is basically all cash, with very little in the way of management and staff. Lean is the way to go, after all, especially compared to other government departments.

But, our little stroll through the government website in search of what Leslie Galway will be doing to fill up her days, has yielded very little of consequence. We can't even find a definitive statement of the department's purpose.

I am still wondering why there is a separate department at all whose sole job seems to be the same business promotion that was done extremely effectively in the old Industry department. It needed to be refreshed and renewed, but that wouldn't need a whole new department. As part of InTRD, there would be another $400,000 going to project delivery instead of salaries in the new department. That's lean and efficient.

Consider too that when it comes to "a leadership role in building a competitive economy that is driven by private sector firms operating in all regions of the province", there's no better person for the job than Doug House who literally wrote the book on the subject and then put the book to practice as head of the Economic Recovery Commission.

There's more knowledge of the province's business sector and business development in sociologist Doug House's nail clippings than in every inch of most accountants I know.

He's already working for Kathy Dunderdale over at Innovation, Trade and Rural Development, the department that used to own Leslie's budget.

Why not just give Doug two jobs?

I am open to suggestions.

13 July 2005

Galway gets big thank you from Danny

It only took the better part of two years but Danny Williams finally rewarded Leslie Galway, formerly the president of the Newfoundland Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) with a new job as deputy minister of the Department of Business.

Galway beat out at least one other contender, a guy from Scotland with plenty of experience in business development.

Now that the announcement is made go back and take a look at a few posts on the Bond papers from February, like, Say "A take of two cities, Part Three" from February 20. There's also some stuff here and here and here.

My all-time fave, in light of today's announcement is the NOIA news release Leslie issued about the offshore revenue deal. While it is linked in one of those bits above, here's a direct line.

Note especially the last picture.

I still stick by the assessment back in February and April:

The giant full page add NOIA took out attacking Ottawa and all the Danny-sucking certainly didn't win NOIA any favours with the feds. It also displayed a real lack of understanding of the Atlantic Accord and NOIA members best interests.

Maybe it wasn't supposed to.

Australian SAS head to Afghanistan

The Australian government announced today that a special forces task group comprising 150 soldiers will deploy to Afghanistan following requests from the Afghan government, the United States and the United Kingdom. The task group is expected to comprise members of the Special Air Service Regiment (SAS).

The task group is expected to spend upwards of one year in Afghanistan working with allied forces in combating locally-based terrorist forces.

This comes less than a week after the Australian government announced AUS$207 million will be spent to improve the base housing the country's special forces command.

In May, Canada began the process of relocating its Afghan contingent from Kabul to Kandahar and switching roles to providing reconstruction of local civilian infrastructure.

To infinity and beyond!

Space Transportation System mission 114 (STS-114) will launch from pad 39B at Canaveral space centre 13 July 2005 at approximately 1531 hrs Eastern Daylight Savings Time using an inclination of 51.6%.

That means the space shuttle will transit across the Grand Banks, not too far off the track used by the NROL-16, the last Titan 4B mission in May that caused a near panic in the oil patch offshore Newfoundland and in the provincial government. Maybe google-searching is a government wide deficiency.

So how come people aren't losing their minds about an even bigger hunk of metal that has a track record of blowing up rather spectacularly?

Incidentally, as I noted earlier this year, the shuttle has flown over the Grand Banks on more than half its launches since 1981. Yet no one in the oil patch noticed.

The last shuttle mission had problems on launch such that the American space administration team might have aborted before that giant liquid tank made it to orbit; that is, had they known that on recovery the thing was going to scatter bits and pieces of people and machine from California to Mississippi.

So come this afternoon, I'll be sipping my coffee, watching CNN and enjoying the show, minus the local melodrama.

Incidentally, has anyone finished the internal review on the Hill to find out why the provincial government's emergency management system blew to bits when it first heard of the Titan missile?

Might be a good subject for an access to information request.

Incidentally, incidentally, how many provincial government employees hold valid security clearances as a result of their provincial jobs such that they could receive classified national briefings on things like, say, intelligence reports or other matters of national security? The answer explains a lot of what happened during the Titan thing.

Yet another good access to info request.

It must be a hoser thing

For those who want some entertainment, try flipping over to a blog run by a guy named Calgarygrit and take a look at his post on calls for Alberta independence.

I have no idea about the background of this Alberta-stan movement, but with the resurgence of independence...well, sovereignty...well, separatism...well sorta-good friends with sleep-over privileges...here in Newfoundland, it sure makes for some damned funny reading.

One of the big differences between here and there is that in Alberta someone actually has the guts to write a column advocating independence for Alberta-stan. Ok. That puts them ahead of us even though we have a newspaper called The Independent (hint, hint) with the pink,white and green on its masthead that I think, has voted for sending Ottawa an angry note saying we want more transfer payments but we don't want to call them transfer payments.

Ok, so they call them reparations.

Yet more Alice through the looking glass crapola like when the Prem was interviewed on CBC last October trying to explain why getting Equalization after we didn't qualify for Equalization really wasn't Equalization it would be fine because there was an agreement between Ottawa and St. John's that called it an Equalization offset and yes while I know it says Equalization offset I am going to cover up the word Equalization with my thumb here on this piece of paper so when you read it you will only see the word offset but never mind that because it is really just money that should actually be ours anyway and while it is actually like Equalization it isn't really that because...I have my thumb over it.

I'd link you back to the interview so you could see that I was quoting almost verbatim but hey, what's the point?


For hump-day, enjoy reading about the people in Alberta who want to create their own little paradise on the prairie.

Maybe we could hook up with them and be like India and Pakistan when they split up in 1947.

Canada would be like India.

The western guys could be West Alberta and we could be East Alberta.

Some of you can see where I am going with that.

For the others, just think: we would be getting rid of the long name we have right now.